A place to call home
After a long search I finally found myself a place in the Swedish countryside. In this post I’ll tell you a bit about the process of finding it and why I choose to live a simpler kind of lifestyle. If you have been following this blog for some time or read my...
Sand modeling as a Permaculture design tool
When was the last time you played in a sandbox or built a sand castle on a beach? Those with no kids will probably answer that it was quite some time ago, probably years. I do believe most of us spend too little time playing. We should do more of that to stimulate our...
5 smart tips for better compost
An example of plants growing directly on top of a compost bin. During the seminar I took at Krameterhof I learned a few new things about compost. Here are some of my favorite tips that I hope you will also find useful: 1: Mix and match Try to have as much variety as...
The 3 principles of Holzer Permaculture
This is a post that has been moved from my previous blog hyperbrain.me. Last week I attended a four day workshop at Krameterhof in Lungau, Austria. Krameterhof is the family farm of Sepp Holzer, now taken over by his son Josef Andreas Holzer and his partner Imgard...