Creative October Challenge 2021
The Creative October Challenge is running for the fifth time in a row! (Well, sixth actually if counting the time I did it on my own.) I’m writing this post in English since this challenge has been around for several years on my old platform hyperbrain.me and...
DIY camper van platform – Turn your car into a mini camper
(This article has been moved from my previous domain hyperbrain.me to this location.) A camper van is a fantastic travel companion. No need to check into a hotel, no caravan to drag behind your car, much comfier than a tent. But most solutions out on the market are...
How to bind a book
(This article has been moved from my previous domain hyperbrain.me to this location.) In this article I’m showing you how to bind a book using whatever paper you have at hand and just a few tools that most people have at home. I don’t claim in any way to be a skilled...